Earplugs are your friends

My house is loud. Like—LOUD, loud. Like I need to sit and stare at the wall in complete silence sometimes just to balance things out, loud. Like there are 5 of us and it’s as if we are all competing to who can be heard the most, loud. Spoiler alert, my youngest is winning because that girl has some LUNGS.

And I have sensory challenges with noise, so as you can see, this isn’t the most ideal environment for my poor, poor ears. Most days, my ears are ringing from the time I wake up, until the sweet sweet silence after bedtime.

I’m fine, everything’s fine. What’s that? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over all the fine-ness happening.

But ever since I realized that I could tune a lot of this out with my noise canceling AirPods, the noise has become a lot more bearable. (Side note: this is not a sponsored post, I’m just PROFOUNDLY grateful for this product.) Honestly, I need to just get really good earplugs because AirPods are expensive and earplugs do the exact same thing for a lot less $$$. But the noise canceling really does affect my mental health in very positive ways. I’m not as strung out when I don’t have to hear the exact decibel that is apparently required in sharing Paw Patrol toys. I can stay calm when I have to play referee, even though there are at least 2 children in my face at all times, passionately telling me why they are the victim and not the criminal in the situation. I can still hear everything, but it’s more muffled—it’s like it takes the edge off.

And it’s glorious.

So, if you’re like me and have sensory challenges, or you, too, have a ridiculously loud home, earplugs may just be for you! But get the good ones—you know the ones that squish and shape in your ear??

Hear that? Yeah, me neither.


Come on Barbie, let’s go party


“You can’t wear the same thing you wore yesterday,” she said while wearing the same thing she wore yesterday.